Polo GGB
Client: University Of Perugia
Where: Italy
Date: February/April 2014
Where: Italy
Date: February/April 2014

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Located in Perugia (Italy), the Genomics, Genetics and Biology Innovation Pole (Polo GGB) is a non-profit organization aggregating public and private sector stakeholders – large private companies, SMEs, Public Research Institutes (Centre of Functional Genomics, University of Perugia) – with the purpose of increasing the competitiveness of Umbria-based companies, and of translating biological discoveries into products and industrial processes.
In order to enhance the interaction between industry and academia and to increase competitiveness and innovation in the Life Science sector, the activities of the Polo GGB mainly aimed to provide the facilities and the skills to foster interdisciplinary programmes related to food processing, diagnostics, and cryopreservation of biological samples. (from:”http://www.pologgb.com/en/il-polo/“)
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