Bookings for JANUARY 2025 Work with Me!

Brand Image Consultation

Considering a brand refresh or new site? Let's discuss tailored design solutions that will guide your decision-making.

I am here to provide you with expert guidance and support in enhancing and refining your graphic and web identity to a whole new level. Whether you are looking to make subtle improvements or undergo a complete transformation, I am dedicated to helping you achieve your goals effectively.

During our consultation session, feel free to express your interests, preferences, and concerns regarding your graphic and web identity. By understanding your unique style, vision, and objectives, I can offer tailored recommendations and insights to elevate your online presence and branding strategy.

How Does it Work?

Step 1 – Book & Share
Book now to lock in your consultation. As I have your booking done, I’ll send a quick questionnaire your way. Fill it out and send it back before our chat—it helps me get to know your brand before we even start talking.

Step 2 – Talk It Out
We hop on a Google Meet call for a full hour. We’ll talk about what’s not clicking with your current brand look and explore options. If what you need doesn’t fit the usual boxes, I’ll tailor a special quote just for your business.

Step 3 – Plan & Understand
By the end of our call, you’ll have clear next steps. We’ll pinpoint exactly what’s bugging you about your brand look and map out how to fix it.

Step 4 – Follow-Up
After our talk, you’ll get a report from me. It’ll recap the gems from our conversation, outline where you’re at, where you’re headed, and how I think we can get there together.

How Much Does it Cost?

The service is priced at €80,00 (VAT exempt) for a 60-minute Google Meet call, to pay online in a Single Payment before the consultation.

If you have questions or need more info, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page, providing details about your business and outlining the difficulties you are experiencing. 

By clicking the button, you’ll be redirected to the PayPal payment page to secure your consulting.

Brand image Consultation in a Nutshell

  • A questionnaire to get to know you
  • A 60-minute call
  • A summary report with key takeaways after our chat
  • Some guidance on your next steps and choosing the right service

Price: €80,00, payment upfront via PayPal

I am happy to work with you!

Grab a coffee and fill the form to receive information or explain your specific needs! 

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